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5 Tips To Find Joy When You Are Stuck In The Wilderness

I’m jumping right to the good stuff in this post, and it’s not going to be the typical tips you hear like praying, reading your Bible, and showing gratitude; no, we are getting down to the tips you haven’t tried yet to find joy when you are stuck! I would be leading you astray if I didn’t at least mention the BIG 3: Prayer, Scripture, and Gratitude.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Change Your Perspective to Find Joy When You Are Stuck

Feeling trapped while waiting can make it easy to fall into a negative mindset. It’s human nature to focus on the negative aspects of a situation and overlook any opportunities or positives. However, shifting your perspective can help you break out of this mindset and discover happiness.

Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and learn. Rather than seeing it as a setback, see it as a lesson. What can you take away from this experience? How can you use it to become better?

Let’s take a look at Elijah. He had several moments where he could have felt stuck in the wilderness. In those moments, God was preparing him for his epic moment of bringing fire down from Heaven.

Depart from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” So he went and did according to the word of the Lord. He went and lived by the brook Cherith that is east of the Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook. And after a while, the brook dried up because there was no rain in the land.1 Kings 17:3-7

God took Elijah to a brook and made him wait there. He fed him by a bird bringing him food, and he gave him water by the stream. Can you imagine the time he got to spend with God while he was waiting there? God used that time to grow and protect him. God can use your wilderness time to do the same for you if you allow him.

By changing your perspective, you can discover happiness even in challenging situations. It won’t happen overnight, but small steps toward a more positive mindset can make a big difference. So challenge those negative thoughts, learn from difficult situations, and see opportunities in challenges.

Grow Spiritually To Find Joy When You Are Stuck

Lastly, try to see opportunity in challenges. Often, the biggest challenges bring about the most significant rewards. Rather than viewing them as obstacles, see them as opportunities to grow. How can you use this challenge to your advantage?

In addition, you can grow spiritually during this time. Take advantage of the opportunity to get closer to God. You can pray and ask Him what He wants you to learn.

Join a Bible study, small group, or class such as the one on Elijah by Priscilla Schier.

Read to learn and try Christian biographies like “Evidence Not Seen” by Darlene Diebler. You can also learn about the history of the Bible by taking online courses. Here is one from Kristi McClelland, who teaches biblical history.

Get Moving When You Are Feeling Stuck

In addition, becoming active and moving your body can help increase the endorphins, improve your physical fitness, and improve your mood. It also keeps you busy and your mind off of feeling stuck.

Try a variety of different activities to see what you enjoy most. You could try a new exercise class or virtual walking, running, or cycle challenge. You can earn medals by taking on challenges such as The Conquerer’s latest Jesus Trail. If you’re interested in running, train for a 5k, mini marathon, or hike and revel in the beauty of nature. Visit all of the state parks in your state using the All Trails App, which is free.

Try Something New

Get your mind busy. Stop focusing on what you are waiting on and discover LIFE! Now is the time to try a new hobby or something you have never done before. You never know what you might find!

If you feel stuck and have no idea how to start trying something new, you can buy The Adventure Challenge. It is a scratch-off book. You scratch off the challenge you want to try, then read the description and have fun. There are books for solo, family, friends, and couples.

Your options are endless! Learn a musical instrument, take an art class, learn karate, or try ballroom dancing. You can start a garden or make food from scratch, such as bread and seasoning mixes. Take it further and start DIYing your own cleaning products and soap. Your options are endless!

Get Busy Serving Others To Find Joy When You Are Feeling Stuck

There is no better way to distract yourself from your needs than to focus on the needs of the hurting people around you. It changes your perspective. There is so much more to life than feeling stuck.

Bob Goff wrote an incredible book called <a href=’′>Love Does</a>. In the book, he writes about serving others and how God can use your willingness to be big and really cool things. Check out his video

Check with your church. They may need volunteers on Sundays to help with children’s programming, set up, clean up, or greeting people. They might also have volunteer opportunities in the community or around the world.

Don’t forget to ask God where He wants to use you. You might be surprised at what he tells you! There are a lot of lost and hurting people out there that can use your love and help.

Still don’t know what to do? Consider the following:

  • Nursing Home
  • Prison Ministries
  • Foster Parenting/Support
  • Homeless Shelters
  • Soup Kitchen/Food Pantry
  • Providing Care/Assistance for the Elderly
  • Helping a Single Parent
  • Become a Mentor
  • Schools

Now that you have my BEST tips for finding joy when you are stuck in the wilderness, I want to help you avoid some of the BIGGEST MISTAKES I see people making while waiting on God’s timing. Check out the post on the 3 Biggest Mistakes You Make While Waiting on God’s Timing, where I break down the mistakes you’ve got to avoid if you want to find joy while you are waiting!

More for you!

30 Day Joy Challenge

Feeling down or discouraged? Life should be overflowing with joy. Sign up for our FREE Joy Challenge!

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