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3 Mistakes to Avoid While Waiting on God’s Timing

Are you tired of waiting for God’s timing and making mistakes? Check out my latest video where I share the 3 biggest mistakes you can make while waiting on God’s timing. 💭 Have you been comparing your circumstances to others? 🙄 Or thinking your plan is better than God’s? 🤔 Or believing your happiness is at the end of the road? 🛣️ Then this video is for YOU! Let’s learn together and improve ourselves. 🙏 Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more amazing content.


Waiting on God’s timing can feel like an impossible task. We live in a world that glorifies instant gratification and quick results. However, waiting on God’s timing is essential to our spiritual journey. It requires us to trust the process and have faith in God’s plan, even when it doesn’t align with our own. Don’t make these mistakes while waiting on God’s timing.

There is a reason why waiting on God’s timing is emphasized multiple times in the Bible. It is because God’s timing is always perfect. We may not understand it now, but His timing is always in our best interest. His plan is far greater than anything we can imagine, and we must be patient and trust that it will unfold as it should. One of the many reasons why waiting on God’s timing is so important is that it allows us to grow spiritually and emotionally.

Through patience and perseverance, we develop an inner strength that we may never have known existed. Waiting on God teaches us to have faith in Him and to let go of our need for control. Check out this Ultimate Guide to Finding Joy While Waiting on God’s Timing.

Mistake 1: Doubting God’s Plan

Making mistakes while waiting on God’s timing is easy! Waiting on God’s timing can be challenging, especially in a world that values instant gratification. But it is crucial if we want to live a fulfilling life according to our God-given purpose. Do you ever find yourself wondering if God has forgotten about you? Or if His plan for your life will ever come to fruition?

Doubting God’s plan is a dangerous place to be because it causes us to lose hope and faith in Him. It can also lead us down a path that takes us away from our God-given purpose. The importance of trusting God cannot be overstated. Remembering that He loves us and wants what is best for us is vital. When we trust Him, we are more at peace, and our hearts are more at ease.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.Ephesians 2:10

Trusting someone we cannot see or touch can be challenging, but that is where faith comes in. So, how can we build trust in God? One way is by spending time reading His Word and meditating on it. This helps us to know Him more personally and to understand His character.

Another way is through prayer. When we pray, we invite God into our lives and acknowledge our dependence on Him. We can also build trust by remembering the times He has come through for us. By trusting in God’s plan for our lives, we can rest assured that things will work out for our good. Remember, His ways are higher than ours, and His plans are perfect.

Mistake 2: Comparing Your Journey with Others

Let’s be honest for a second. It’s hard not to compare ourselves to others. Social media doesn’t help, either. Everyone seems to be living their best life while we’re still figuring things out. But here’s the truth: comparison can harm our personal growth. We lose sight of our journey when we constantly compare ourselves to others. It’s like running someone else’s race when we have our race to run.

Embracing our journey isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary. Our journey is unique to us. It’s what makes us who we are. We can’t compare our journey to someone with a different path. That’s like comparing apples to oranges. So, it’s time to focus on our journey. To do that, we need to find ways to shift our focus.

For the body does not consist of one member but of many. 15 If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18 But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.1 Corinthians 12:14-18

Instead of scrolling through social media, let’s spend more time with God. Discover what He wants for your life. Rember you aren’t your friend. God created you uniquely for the purpose he has for you! Comparison may be the thief of joy, but focusing on our journey can bring us peace. Let’s embrace it.

Mistake 3: Thinking Your Happiness Is at the End of the Road

Let’s be honest; we all think we know what’s best for us. We have plans, goals, and dreams and want them to come true as soon as possible. We believe that when we reach that milestone, we will find happiness.

But what if I told you that our human understanding is limited? What if what we think is best for us may not be what’s best for us in the long run? God’s plan for us is always higher than our own. He sees the bigger picture- the outcome we can’t even fathom.

When we try to rely solely on our understanding, we limit ourselves to what we think is possible. It’s important to trust God’s higher plan, even when it doesn’t make sense to us now. God is teaching us and preparing us for what is to come.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.Psalm 119:105

You can find peace and joy today. You don’t have to wait until you reach a specific milestone. Don’t let evil rob you of the joy before you today. There will always be another milestone to reach.

Benefits of Waiting on God’s Timing

Waiting on God’s timing can be difficult but necessary for personal growth and spiritual development. One of the main benefits of waiting is developing patience and perseverance. These virtues are essential in navigating life’s challenges and can only be honed through experience.

As we wait on God, we learn to trust His timing, which builds our faith in Him. We know to let go of our desire for immediate gratification, freeing us from anxiety and worry.

Another significant benefit of waiting on God is the strengthening of our faith. When we surrender to His will, we acknowledge He is in control and His plan is perfect. We learn to trust Him even when we cannot see the way forward. In these moments, we often experience God’s presence and love in tangible ways, which can provide great comfort and encouragement.

You don’t have to make these mistakes while waiting on God’s timing! So, as you wait for God’s timing, remember you are not alone. Many have gone before you and have emerged stronger, wiser, and more faithful. Embrace the waiting, knowing it is a necessary part of your journey.

It may be tough sometimes to wait for God’s timing, but the benefits make it worth it. Patience and perseverance are developed, and faith is strengthened. Remember to trust the process and let go of control. It’s important to focus on your journey, surrender to God’s will, and surround yourself with support. Sign up for the Abiding Rest Course to reduce stress and find peace in waiting. Trust the process and embrace the journey.

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30 Day Joy Challenge

Feeling down or discouraged? Life should be overflowing with joy. Sign up for our FREE Joy Challenge!

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