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Sharing God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day has become a day to share greeting cards, chocolates, and flowers with a special someone. Today we will look at the history of Valentine’s Day and discover a new way to celebrate, sharing God’s love with those around us. Science shows us that we are happier longer when we are giving instead of receiving.

History of Valentine’s Day

The romantic in you might be hoping that the history of Valentine’s Day includes a beautiful love story with St. Valentine being a hero of love. Unfortunately, there are no historical records of St. Valentine having anything to do with love.

To dive deeper into Valentine’s Day’s history, look at this article on The Conversation. I will give a summary below for those who are not into history or are short on time.

Historical sources tell us of a man, two men actually, that were named Valentinius and died on February 14th. Their stories are incredibly similar and thought to be two versions of the same story. I will share one with you to get the idea.

A Roman priest named Valentinus was arrested during the reign of Emperor Gothicus and put into the custody of an aristocrat named Asterius. While in his possession, Valentinus shared stories of God’s love. The aristocrat told him that he would convert to Christianity if Valentinius would heal his blind daughter. Valentinius covered her eyes, prayed for healing, and she could see. The family converted to Christianity and shared the miracle and God’s love with people that would listen.

When the emperor found out, he ordered that they all be killed, and Valentinius was beheaded on February 14th. In light of the historical history of Valentine’s Day, let’s share God’s love with those around us.

Giving Love on Valentine’s Day Instead of Receiving

Some of us are romantics that love Valentine’s Day. We look forward to the love shown and the beautiful pictures we can share on social media. Others scroll through social media, disappointed that we don’t have a beautiful picture to share, a special someone, or someone that treats us as unique as the people we see. Still, others of us don’t give February 14th a second thought. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of Valentine’s Day, one thing is true. Giving is better than receiving.

Science tells us that the brain chemicals associated with giving last longer and produce more and longer-lasting happiness and joy than the chemicals we have when we receive a gift. Take a day off of social media and spare yourself the feeling of comparing your day to everyone else’s. You are unique, and God has you right where he wants you. Embrace where you are today and don’t compare yourself to others. Their life is not yours, and you don’t know what else is happening outside of that single moment in time.

How can I share the love on Valentine’s Day?

We live in a lonely, lost, and hurting world. There is no shortage of people that could use some extra love. Start by looking close to home. Who in your family could use some extra love this week? Do you have an elderly family member that could use some company and cheer up? Make a plan to spend time with them this year. Perhaps a single parent in your family could use a break. Offer to babysit the kiddos so she can have some time to herself.

Take a step out and look at your neighborhood and community. Do you have lonely neighbors for whom you could bake cookies or shovel their driveway? Is there someone going through a hard time who could use a listening ear after work? Write a card for each of your coworkers. You never know when someone might need the words you kindly share.

Are you feeling eager to impact even more people? Take a look around your community. Show kindness to people that are seldom seen. Think about cleaning crews, service workers, and the homeless population. Where is God calling you to serve? We often forget that all the people we see are children of God. How could you impact the world if you saw everyone as a child of God?

Sharing Love in a BIG Way

After reading this post, you might be eager to spend a day sharing God’s love in small ways. For those feeling most inspired, look at a few of these ideas.

More than showing God’s love to those you see, SHARE God’s love with those you see. Pray for boldness and share what God has done in your life and the promises He makes to those who believe in him.

Ask God to use you where He needs you, and be willing to say yes to whatever He asks you to do. Some children need mentors and loving homes. Thousands of women and men are addicted to drugs and alcohol. You have opportunities to serve the prison population. You can even do mission work and share God’s love in far-off places.

Don’t forget about the ways close to home that you can serve. Your church might need help greeting people when they walk into service, cleaning after service, or serving in the children’s ministry. There is no shortage of ways that you can serve, you have to be willing to say yes. Check out this article on growing love.

While Valentine’s Day has become the holiday of romantic love, make this year the day we cover the world in God’s love. How can you show the world God’s love today?

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