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Finding Rest in the Storm

Life often feels like you are in a small boat in the middle of the ocean, and the waves threaten to capsize you. How often do you long for rest amid life’s storms?

There is good news, sister! God offers us rest in life’s storms.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29

God is in Control

The Bible tells the story of Jesus and the disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus is sleeping in the back of the boat when a large storm hits the sea. Imagine being the disciples in the boat. The waves are crashing over the boat, and the wind blows furiously. What do you do? Who is going to go wake up Jesus? How is he even still asleep anyway?

The disciples wake Jesus and ask him about the storm and if he is not worried about them drowning. In an instant, Jesus calms the wind and sea. Imagine what that would have been like. You think you will drown, and the next thing you know, Jesus is telling everything around you to chill. Jesus then asks the disciples why they are afraid and if they still have no faith.

Ladies, the disciples walked with Jesus every day. They witnessed many miracles, and amid their storm, they still struggled to have faith. This is an encouragement to know that others have walked this path before you. Jesus calmed the wind and the sea for his disciples, and he will calm your storm; you need to have a little faith.

Going to God for Your Rest

I love being in the storm! Yep, I just said that. Let me explain why. I see God’s miracles every day when I am in the storm. I am in a place where I need his provision, and so I receive it. Also, in the storm, I stopped relying on my strength but instead turned to God. It is always easier to turn to God when you have nowhere else to turn.

God has your back; you only need to seek him.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. Isiah 26:3

Instead of focusing on the storm’s chaos in front of you, focus on God. He will provide rest for you. You might be thinking, how do I do that? Turn your attention heavenward.

Pray about your current situation. Go to God with your concerns, your fears, and your praise. He is with you and can hear you amid your storm.

Look for the heavenly perspective. What can this situation gain for the kingdom? Is it an opportunity to show someone God’s miracles? Perhaps it is an opportunity for someone to witness your faith in God in a difficult situation. It is also an opportunity to grow and become a stronger Christian.

When your mind is on God, you are not worried about the storm around you; instead, you witness his miraculous ways.

Finding the Secret Place

I have discovered the most beautiful place. It is filled with ultimate peace. There is no anxiety, fear, or depression. Once you visit the secret place, you will never want to leave. The best part is we all have access to the secret place.

God meets me in the secret place when I feel the world crashing down around me. I don’t know how I will possibly survive one more day. He takes all of my fear and my anxiety. There is nothing there but ultimate peace. Imagine being a little kid and afraid. Think of the feeling when a trusted adult picked you up, held you, and told you everything would be alright. That is what the secret place feels like but so much better!

The best part about the secret place is that you have access to it; you must be willing to go there. Find a place to visit with God. It might be your bed, a closet, or a spot in the woods. He will find you wherever you go. As you meet him there, humble yourself to him.

Coming humbly before God can be challenging for us. It means you go to him willing to do and hear whatever he says. You are walking to him with a yes on your lips before you even know what he will ask. Trust that he loves you and that he will care for you.

It is easiest to get to the secret place amid our storm. We are willing to do anything to find peace. It is much harder to enter the secret place when you feel like you are in control of your life.

Practical Tips

When you are amidst the storm, try these practical tips to help you through.

  1. Find a heavenly perspective
  2. Go to God for rest
  3. Rejoice amid your struggle
  4. Spend time in the secret place
  5. Fill your mind with helpful Bible Verses (Check out our Printable Here)
  6. Practice Stress Reduction Techniques – Try our Abiding Rest Course

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