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5 Steps to Increase Peace in Your Mornings: A Guide for Christian Women

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Mornings can set the tone for the entire day, and as Christian women, we need to start our days with peace and a connection with God. By implementing a few simple steps, we can cultivate a sense of tranquility and increase peace in your mornings. This blog post will explore five practical steps to increase peace in your mornings, allowing you to approach each day with peace and calm.

Prepare the Night Before

The peace of your morning often depends on your preparation the night before. It is very stressful when you forget that important paper for work, you don’t know what to wear and still need to pack your lunch!

Set your morning off right by picking out your clothes for tomorrow, packing your lunch, and preparing your bag for the next day. A few simple steps can save a lot of stress in the morning!

Have a Bedtime to Increase Peace in Your Mornings

You aren’t in kindergarten but can still benefit from a bedtime. Set a time that will give you enough sleep each night. Now guard your bedtime. It is much easier to get up when you went to bed at a decent time than waking up when you only got 3 hours of sleep.

Before going to bed, shut off the electronics. They can give you anxiety. They activate your brain and make it difficult for you to calm down and go to sleep. Try reading a good book or praying before bed instead of scrolling on your phone.

Having a bedtime will help you wake up early. It is a powerful way to take control of your mornings and establish a peaceful routine. Set your alarm clock a little earlier than usual, allowing yourself ample time to engage in activities that bring you closer to God. Use this quiet time for prayer, meditation, reading the Bible, or journaling. By dedicating these precious moments to spiritual nourishment, you invite God’s presence into your day and foster a sense of peace.

Pray Before You Get Out Of Bed to Increase Peace in Your Mornings

I used to get sucked into an anxiety trap when I woke up before my alarm. Looking at the clock, my anxiety would ramp up because I could not sleep, and I just knew I would be tired. I stopped looking at the clock, and now I pray when I wake up. I might pray for 5 minutes and fall back asleep, or I might pray for hours. Either way, I am avoiding anxiety.

Taking that a step further, I encourage you to pray before you even step out of bed! Ask God to protect you and calm your anxious heart. Ask Him to guide your steps today and ask Him to use you to make a difference in someone else’s life. Looking for some verses to help set your heart at peace? Download our free printable in the free resource library.


Physical exercise benefits our bodies and is crucial to our mental and spiritual well-being. Incorporate some form of mindful movement into your morning routine, such as yoga, stretching, or a peaceful walk outdoors. As you engage in these activities, pay attention to your breath and the sensations in your body, allowing your mind to find stillness. This intentional movement will help you feel more connected to your body, release tension, and cultivate a peaceful mindset. Use this time to talk with God. Exercise also helps burn off stress hormones and increase endorphins.

Nourish Your Body

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, and for a good reason. Just as our bodies need physical nourishment, our souls require spiritual sustenance. Start your day by feeding your body with nutritious foods, and while you eat, take the opportunity to read a devotional or listen to uplifting Christian music. This combination of physical and spiritual nourishment will energize you and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Check out our Complete Guide on Stopping the Cycle of Anxiety in the Morning to learn more!

As Christian women, increasing peace in your mornings is essential for cultivating a strong spiritual foundation and a positive mindset. By incorporating these five steps into your daily routine, you can increase peace in your mornings and set the stage for a more serene and fulfilling day. Remember, through our connection with God; we find true peace, so invite Him into each moment and let His presence guide you as you embark on this transformative journey. May your mornings be filled with tranquility, purpose, and abundant blessings.

Ready to take your journey a step further? Sign up for our Abiding Rest course to dive into how your brain works, what stress actually is, and a plethora of interactive coping skills to help you finally have peace!

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