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3 Ways to Forgive When it is Hard

How do you forgive your enemy? It is easy to forgive the person you love when they apologize. It is an entirely different story when you are asked to forgive someone that “doesn’t deserve” your forgiveness.

We all have that person that has wronged us. They have done something that still causes deep wounds. Yet, God calls us to forgive. In the Bible, Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother that wrongs him. He offers up seven times, and Jesus tells him no. The part of us that likes justice is waiting for Jesus to tell Peter not to forgive him. Then Jesus shocks us when he tells Peter that he should forgive him seventy times seven.

Oh, my! That goes against my need for justice! How can I forgive someone who has wronged me that many times?

Fill Your Mind with Encouragement

Forgiveness is a tough pill to swallow. We frequently see and hear of people not showing forgiveness. Our minds are filled with revenge and bitterness from the songs we listen to, to the things we watch on TV. We become what our brains see and hear. I encourage you to pay attention to what you are putting in your mind. When seeking to forgive, stop filling your mind with media that leads you toward revenge.

Be active in the process of filling your mind with forgiveness. Read inspiring stories that encourage and showcase forgiveness. Many women in recent history have showcased forgiveness in tough times. Read their books in your spare time. Corrie ten Boom’s book Tramp for the Lord describes her face-to-face forgiveness of a concentration camp commander where her sister died. Look up the story of Peggy Covell, a child of missionaries killed by the Japanese in WWII. She began to serve her enemy in the Japanese internment camps in the United States.

Read the stories and commands in the Bible that talk about forgiveness. The best account of all is about Jesus. A man that came to Earth to save and bring light. He was falsely accused and persecuted. Then died a torturous death. In all of that, he prays to God and says, “Father, forgive them.” (Luke 23) What an example of true forgiveness. Read through our printable of Bible verses on forgiveness for encouragement.

Pray to Forgive

Prayer is a powerful force. As a Christian, you have the power of the Holy Spirit already living inside you. Use that power to help you. Forgiveness is hard! Christians are set apart from nonbelievers for their forgiving ability. It is not easy to forgive someone that has wronged you! You have access to all of the power of heaven. Don’t let that go to waste.

Ask God to soften your heart towards the person you need to forgive. Take it a step further and pray that God will help you see them the way He sees them. When you begin seeing your enemy through God’s eyes, loving and forgiving them is much easier.

If you are not ready to forgive someone who has wronged you, pray for that person. Pray for their salvation and their relationship with God. Evil desires to fill your heart with hate, but the hate begins to melt away when you pray. Can you imagine how our world would change if we all began to pray for our enemies?

Finally, pray that God will help you forgive. Forgiveness can rarely be done in your strength. Let the one who loves you help you! God can give you the power to forgive your enemy. The secret is that forgiving your enemy is less about your enemy and more about your heart. Forgiveness brings you peace!

Step in Obedience

God calls us to forgive those that have wronged us. (Col. 3:13). The best part of obeying God is that when you do, he will supply you with everything you need. Standing on the edge of the forgiveness cliff, thinking you have no idea how you will cross this great divide, God asks you only to take the first step.

Take a step in faith, and God will provide all you need to forgive. The first step looks scary, but you only need to step out in faith, and God will carry you the rest of the way.

Forgiveness provides you with the freedom to move forward. You are not a victim. Take back the power in your circumstances and obey God by taking a simple step in faith toward forgiveness. Be brave! Take one step in faith. God will take you the rest of the way.

Download our forgiveness printable for a handy reminder of what the Bible says about forgiveness.

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