Have you thought about how to fill your cup? We have all heard that you can’t pour out to others from an empty cup. I have also heard that you shouldn’t be pouring at all, but instead, your cup should be overflowing and spilling out to others. Either way, how do we have the energy to give to others?
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.Psalm 23:5
The Bible is clear that God is the secret to not just filling your cup but to having a cup that overflows.
Go to the Father to Fill Your Cup
God can use you in so many ways if you are willing. He will also give you the strength and restoration that your body and soul needs. He is our Good Father. Believe Him when He tells you, you can find your restoration in Him!
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:1-3a
Schedule God Time
God can restore our souls and give us supernatural energy when needed. We try as humans to will ourselves to have more energy and to be able to push forward. The entire time we are missing the good gifts from our Father.
Schedule time to sit with God and make him a priority. For me, this is early in the morning before anyone else awakens. God and I sit and chat. Your life might be different, and this time could be when you walk the dog after everyone goes to bed or while driving to work.
You don’t have to kneel and fold your hands to spend time with God. He is with you wherever you are!
Spend Time in the Word
One of the most straightforward ways we hear from God is by reading His Word. The promises in the Bible have not changed for thousands of years. God’s word is true and never changing. Read the Bible and discover who God is. Imagine if you tried to get to know God like you tried to get to know your significant other.
Crank Up the Worship Music
Music is a balm to the soul. Crank up your worship music and sing your heart out. Fill your ears, mind, and soul with praise. Turn it on while cleaning the house, driving to work, or cooking dinner. Invite your children to sing along with you. My dear friend and her son have dance parties in the morning when tensions are high in the house, or someone is upset.
Pray with Someone
I have the most amazing Bible Study. These ladies are prayer warriors! Find the women in your life that can be real with you and God. We have cried, laughed, and poured our hearts out to God.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.Matthew 18:20
Lean on God’s Promises
God has filled his word with promises for you, dear sister. It is easy to forget what He has promised us amid our trials and exhaustion. Refresh your memory of God’s promises and spend time memorizing and reading over them. Check out our free printable of God’s Promises in our Resource Library.
Take in God’s Beautiful Works
Spend some time admiring the fantastic creation of God. Spend a few minutes watching the sunrise or sunset. Take a stroll through a local garden or nature preserve. Animal lovers can spend time with their furry friends.
Meet Your Physical Needs to Fill Your Cup
Our bodies are like machines and have needs to function at their best. Yes, you can push through for a time, but at the end of the day, our bodies have some requirements to perform at their best.
Drink Water
This sounds simple, but many people are dehydrated. “According to the lay press, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.”
Being dehydrated can cause various medical problems, but it also causes us to be irritable. Our mind does not function well; we can feel tired and get headaches.
Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine
Alcohol will not fix the stress that you are currently experiencing. You might feel numb for a brief time; however, the stress will be there later. You will be more dehydrated and have only pushed your struggles further. Likewise, caffeine will not help your body function better. It will also increase your dehydration and heart rate, making you more anxious.
Jesus rested! You need rest as well. Your body repairs itself while you are sleeping. Create a sleep routine for yourself. Go to bed at a reasonable hour! Take a nap if your body needs it.
Eat Foods Full of Nutrients
Your body needs the energy to function. Choose foods that are full of nutrients. Think about foods on the outside isles of the grocery store. Fruits and vegetables are excellent choices. Pack your lunch and a few nutritious snacks to take with you when your day is full. When you eat lunch and a small snack in between, you keep your blood sugar level which helps your mood and anxiety.

Skip the Carbs and Sugar
When we are stressed, our bodies naturally crave carbs and sugar. The stress hormones in our bodies are preparing us to run or fight. For most of us, this is not necessary. Carbs and sugar will spike your blood sugar and make you feel tired quickly. Skip the cravings and reach for a nutritious snack instead.
Physical Activity
Keep your body in top condition by adding in physical activity. Your options are endless. You could do stretching or yoga to help loosen tense muscles. Walking, running, and cardio all help burn off stress hormones.
Go Outside
Spend time outside. Soak up some vitamin D. It will increase your mood and energy. Think about taking a walk in the sun, enjoying a beautiful hike, or reading a book on the back porch.
Trick Your Brain to Fill Your Cup
Your brain is a powerful organ. It is the control center of your body and can be your best friend or worst enemy. Try these activities to get your brain working for you instead of against you!
When we are stressed or emotionally drained, our brains work overtime to process our emotions and thoughts. Write your thoughts and feelings down in a journal for a few minutes. Journaling will help your brain process the situation and allow your mind stop racing.
Gratitude is the art of looking for the positive things in a situation. When we practice gratitude, our brain starts to focus on the positive things happening in our lives instead of dwelling on the things we can’t change or the negative experiences we are having. When starting a gratitude practice, list 3 -5 things you are grateful for daily. Dive deeper with our Gratitude Journal in the Resource Library.
Take a few minutes to evaluate your current well-being. Are you feeling stressed? Where are you carrying your stress? Are you meeting your physical needs? Where are you turning to fill your cup? Are you numbing your mind on social media or TV, or are you leaning on God to fill you up? Check out the Self-Assessment in the Resource Library.
Laugh with Friends
Laughing increases endorphins. Take some time to laugh with your friends. It is ok to laugh amid a difficult situation. Tell each other funny stories, share a joke, or laugh at the current situation.

Spend Quality Time with Loved Ones
Spending time with those you love is an important practice. Our loved ones ground us and remind us of what is essential. When we are overwhelmed and busy, it is easy to take them for granted because we feel like they will always be with us. Lean on your family and enjoy their company.
Giving and receiving hugs is a great way to increase serotonin and oxytocin. Both brain chemicals promote feelings of peace, connectedness, and joy. If you aren’t a big hugger, try a weighted blanket. It will produce similar brain chemicals.
Small Acts of Kindness
Giving to others can actually fill your cup. Doing a small act of kindness will increase your serotonin. The chemical that causes you to feel happy. Your act of service can be as giving someone a compliment that looks like they are having a rough day.
Cook a Meal
Take some time in the kitchen and cook or bake something to share with others. You can cook a meal for someone that is sick, bring treats to work or invite a lonely person to dine at your table. Food often heals the soul. The science goes back to the brain chemicals of serotonin and oxytocin. Here is your permission to eat up. 🙂
Spend time outside in your garden. Working with your hands can burn off stress chemicals. You will be satisfied with accomplishing a task and have some of God’s beauty to look at. You will also be soaking up some vitamin D for a bonus.

Say No
Ponder this statement. When you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else. Many of us struggle to say no and set appropriate boundaries. You are allowed to say no! Every time you say yes, you are saying no to something else. Think about what you are saying yes to. What do you have to say no to accomplish that request?
Read Inspiring Biographies
Take a rest and read an inspiring Biography. Your situation might seem much less stressful when you read about the circumstances of others. Your body will get a short rest, and the actions of other Christians will inspire you. Check out the following books:
The Hiding Place
Evidence Not Seen
If I Perish
The Pastors Wife
Social Media Detox
Social media is an excellent way to get connected with people you have not seen in a while. It is also a perfect way to put yourself in a comparison trap and suck up a lot of time. Take a sabbatical from your social media. You will free invigorated and refreshed when you discover how much extra time you have and that you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone! Get your Social Media Challenge in our Resource Library.
Reduce Your Screen Time
We often think that we should veg in front of the TV when we are exhausted and stressed. While it sounds nice to do nothing for a bit and give our brains a break, it also does nothing to fill our cup. Your cup will be just as empty when you are done binging your show as when you started. That doesn’t mean that watching TV is bad. It is just not a task that will fill your cup.
Reach out to God to sustain you in the midst of your situation. He is always with you and will give you whatever you need, you only need to ask him.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present Psalm 46:1-3